The core things you MUST have to attract consistent income growth

Mar 08, 2025

People who are attracted to me, pretty much want similar things: 

✨ Consistent, passive, ever-increasing income (or even just consistent income) 

✨ To do something you love and be paid for it 

✨ Freedom! Of time, money, life. 

✨ To retire people they love who hate what they’re doing 

✨ To reach the people came here to reach and affect change 

✨ To optimize their mindset to keep growing up and up with no limits 

✨ Waking up each day feeling happy, content, peaceful and aligned 

Check out this AMAZING story about Vanessa, a single mom, who started working with me when she was making $4,000 a month. And who, at the end of 2022 had made over $101 million dollars in her business. 

But there are some core things that MUST be in place, in order for you to have this kind of life including: 

πŸ’– An abundant, open manifestation mindset 

πŸ’– Removal of all limiting beliefs that stand in the way of your next steps 

πŸ’– Patience, and a few other things 

And some bonus things that would very much help are: 

🌟 A community of people who fully understand where you’re at and what you’re going through, who hold space for you when you’re struggling and champion you when you’re winning 

🌟 Laser focused attention on your specific blocks and limitations 

And a couple of other things would be handy, but aren’t essential. 

Luckily, not only do I have a complete grasp of exactly what you need, I’ve also packaged it up in one complete program. YIPPEE! We love it when things are simple! 

Check out my program Practical Manifesting over here to find out more about how to journey with me  

Holding you in luscious, manifestation energy, 

πŸ’œ Abi xoxo

P.s. If you’re just ready to see if you’re a good fit for the program, fill out this application and I’ll be in touch 

Unlock The Science of Manifestation Game!Β 

This free game will teach you how to leverage physics, neuroscience and biological principles to manifest the exact life that you want. And have fun doing it!Β 

Join us now.Β 


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